7/19/22 – Update from Mayor Pete Bass on Facebook…….
6/9/22- A quick video of the installation of one section of the box culvert. Video taken by “Highway One” New Milford Highway Departments drone.
6/9/22 – Some pictures from the box culvert installation.

6/8/22 – Our contractor, M&O Construction, has scheduled installation of the box culvert for 6/8/22. Starting in the morning, A crane and several large trucks will be transporting the parts needed for the bridge to the site using Stillson Hill Rd. PLease be aware that large trucks will be on the road and there may be delays. Please plan accordingly. Thank you
5/24/22 – Progress Pictures from bridge

5/12/22 – Pictures from Gaylord Rd Bridge “Dry Fit” meeting

4/18/22 – Gaylord Road Bridge Closed to Traffic